The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the north-western part of the Krasnoznamensky District of the Kaliningrad Region
This article is dedicated to the study of lichen biota as part of the research and conservation of biodiversity in the Kaliningrad region. Biological studies of little-known territories are a crucial component of the ecologically oriented development of the Kaliningrad region, especially for ...
The lichens of state protected country estate parks in the Pskov region
This article presents the first attempt to study lichens in 6 state protected parks in memorial country estates of the Pskov region. The authors distinguished 111 lichen species, among which 7 were proved to be rare and 4 – new to the Pskov region, and performed taxonomic analysis and the analysis ...
Microelement content in lichen hypogymnia physodes in the forests of the Kaliningrad region
Samples of epiphytic lichens Hypogymnia physodes were selected in the forests of the Kaliningrad region. Content of Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, Ag, Sr, Rb in the lichen thallus was determined by atomic absorption and X-ray fluorescence analysis. The chemical analysis of elements ...
The lichen flora of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University’s Botanical Garden
This article presents an inventory of lichen flora of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University’s Botanical Garden. 21 lichen species of lichens were identified. Taxonomic, ecological (by main substrate types), and biomorphological analyses of the lichens found in the Botanical Garden ...
Studies of lichen flora of Kaliningrad (a historical review)
... Kaliningrad since the pre-war period and presents a list of species that have been described as residing on the city’s territory. The authors conducted a taxonomic, ecological (according to the main substratum types), and biomorphological analysis of the lichen of Kaliningrad. The article contains a schematic map of lichen species distribution on the territory of Kaliningrad.
1. Ерофеева И. А. Лишайники — биоиндикаторы уровня антропогенного загрязнения ...
The lichens of the “Mikhailovskoye” A. S. Pushkin historical-literary and natural-landscape memorial museum (the Pskov region)
This article focuses on the lichens of the “Mikhailovskoye” A. S. Pushkin historical-literary and natural-landscape memorial museum (the Pskov region). The authors compiled a list of 154 lichen species of 63 genera and carried out a taxonomic analysis as well as an analysis ...
The lichen flora of Zadovskoye raised bog in the Slavsk district of the Kaliningrad region
This article provides a historical overview of studies into the lichen flora of raised bogs of the Kaliningrad region. A list of the lichens of the Zadovskoye raised bog (Slavsk district, Kaliningrad region) as well as a taxonomic analysis and data on the ecology of lichens are presented. A schematic map of the occurrence ...
New discoveries of Aspicilia lichen in the Urals
New records of six Aspicilia s. l. species (Megasporaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes): Aspicilia aquatica (Fr.) Körb., Aspicilia dudinensis (H. Magn.) Oxner, Aspicilia intermutans (Nyl.) Arnold, Aspicilia verrucigera Hue, Sagedia zonata Ach. and Circinaria esculenta (Pall.) Sohrabi in the Urals are presented. The ...
The epiphytic lichens growing on roadside deciduous trees in the north-west of the Kaliningrad region
This article presents the first attempt to study the fruticose and foliose lichens of the pre-war plantings alongside minor roads in the Slavsk district of the Kaliningrad region. It is the first study of the deciduous roadside plantings in this area. The authors determined predominant species, analysed the wood species composition ...