Lexical means to express an author’s opinion in popular science groups on the VKontakte social network
... Aichner T. Measuring the degree of corporate social media use // International Journal of Market Research. 2015. № 57 (2). P. 257—275.
Kruglov A.
social media, mass communication, receiver and communicator, change of communicative roles, evaluative lexis, functional styles of Russian language
Evaluative lexis as a component of subjective modality in the Russian handwritten newspaper Vesti-kuranty
Based on the materials of the handwritten Vesti-Kuranty newspaper, this article analyses the functional significance of evaluative lexis — adjective, adverbs, and nouns with subjective modal meanings conveying expressive emotional reactions of the author of a newspaper text to the described histori-cal events, as well as the temper and actions of its participants.
1. Арутюнова ...
Feminization of lexical changes as a problem of gender linguistics
... немецкого языка // Вестник МГГУ им. М. А. Шолохова. 2010. № 2. Сер. «Филологические науки». С. 82—87.
Shemchuk Y. M., Andreeva A. V.
gender, gender linguistics, the French language, lexis, feminization, feminism, neologism, metaphor.
Axiological potential of figurative units of the Russian language, translating the plant code
... dangerous to humans. The analysis of specific evaluative meanings allowed for the identification of aesthetic, ethical, intellectual, valeological, utilitarian, sensory-taste, and other evaluations.
Pak I.Ya.
plant code, evaluation, value, figurative lexis, phraseology, phytonym
The metaphor as a means of colour and light perception in M. Voloshin’s idiostyle
The poetic texts of M. Voloshin help consider the metaphorical use of mineralogical lexis as a means of light and colour perception. The author identifies the features of semantic and aesthetic realization of these lexemes and stresses their representative function within the structure of poetic images.
1. Бранский В. П. Искусство ...
The lexical unit beautiful as a means to express the axiological fragment of A. S. Pushkin’s world image
9. Черных П. Я. Историко-этимологический словарь современного русского языка : в 2 т. М., 1993.
Osintseva-Rayevskaya Ye.
concept, the beautiful, beauty, aesthetics, A. S. Pushkin, lexis, individual style.