The qualia structure and its role for linguistics research
The article contains the analysis of the works by J. Pustejovsky on the generative lexicon and Qualia structures. Special attention is paid to the functions of the Qualia structure roles, their possible combination with frames. Such a combination offers new prospects for linguistic research.
1. Апресян Ю. Д. Лексическая ...
Mental lexicon and language consciousness: similaritiea and discrapencies in research methodology
The article discusses the similarities and differences between the research methodology of the mental lexicon and language consciousness. Most studies of language consciousness do not differ in any significant way from studies of the mental lexicon, and this is not recognized or is hushed up by their authors. The problem of their differentiation is connected ...
Some aspects of time verbalisation in the English and Russian languages
The article focuses upon basic means of the 'time' category explication in the English and Russian lexicon and grammar; special emphasis is laid upon linguistic instantiations of axiological sense.
1. Балашова Л. В. Метафора в диахронии (на материале русского языка XI—XX веков). Саратов,...
Some aspects of the cognitive theory of polysemy
The article focuses on polysemy as a conceptual phenomenon. The author gives a brief overview of the works of Russian and foreign linguists specializing in the study of Polysemy. Special attention is given to the representation of polysemy in mental lexicon.
Виноградов В.
Русский язык: Грамматическое учение о слове. М., 1972.
Зализняк А.
Феномен многозначности и способы его описания ...
Semantic diffusion: the bilingual aspect
This article deals with the problem of semantic diffusion on the level of polysemantic and paronymic lexical units. A hypothesis on the storage of lexical-semantic variations of a polysemantic word in the mental lexicon of native speakers in diffusive way is developed on the basis of experimental research.
1. Английская синонимика: введение в теорию синонимии и методику изучения синонимов ...
Field Arrangement of Toponymic Lexemes in Regional Language
The article considers the development of regional toponymic lexicon on the basis of the Volgograd region geographical names. The author offers the field approach to characterising functional and semantic unity of linguistic units on various synchronic snapshots of the end of the 20th — beginning of the 21st ...
The “living” word in the light of modern cognitive studies (Dedicated to the anniversary of Alexandra Zalevskaya)
... structure of the word in human mental space. The author distinguishes between the word as an asset of an individual (the “living” word) and the word as found in a dictionary. It is concluded that there is a dramatic difference between the mental lexicon and a dictionary as a lexico¬graphic unit.
1. Анохин К. В. Когнитом: в поисках общей теории когнитивной науки // Шестая международная конференция по когнитивной ...
The development of the notion of ‘thesaurus’ in Russian pedagogical science
... интересов учащихся. М., 1988.
15. Roget P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases classified so as to facili-tate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. L., 1952.
Veidt V.
thesaurus, terminological ambiguity, teacher's lexicon
Metaphorisation as a pattern of term formation in Russian and English within the semantic field “Insurance”
... 1988. С. 173—204.
Юлдашев Р.
Страховой бизнес. М., 2005.
Zhebrunova L. A.
terminological system, composite term, nomination, metaphorisation, cognitive linguistic characteristics,
source domain of the mental lexicon, attributive characteristics, action characteristics.
Grammar. Linguistics. Language (in response to opposing views)
... Where does the method come from? On the self-sufficiency of semiotic objects. Baltic accent, 14 (4), pp. 137—152,
2225-5346-2023-4-8 (in Russ.).
natural languages, linguistics, semiotics, art sciences, grammar, lexicon, connectors
Zimmerling. A.V.