On the development of the concept of ‘subject of law
This article analyses approaches to developing the concept of the ‘subject of law’. The author considers different perspectives on identifying similarities and differences between the categories of the ‘subject of law’, ‘subject of a legal relationship’, and ‘personal with legal personality’. It is concluded that the category of ‘subject of law’ should be developed in the context of interdisciplinary studies.
1. Большой юридический словарь / под ред....
Classification of subjects of legal relations on the Internt
... methods of scientific research, subsequently worked out a classification of subjects based on functional division and drew attention to several problematic issues related to the activities of some subjects.
Georgiev I.V.
subjects of law, Internet, legal relationship, contract, user
Spiritual foundations of law
... and practical jurisprudence. The subject content of spiritual foundations of law is demonstrated through the triunity of dignity, autonomy, and mutual respect and trust. Alongside factual and legal aspects, the article addresses the moral aspect of legal relationship.
1. Большая советская энциклопедия. 2-е изд. М., 1950—1958. Т. 15. URL: http://bse2.ru/book_view.jsp?idn=030281&page=309&format=html (дата обраще-ния: 25.04.2011).
2. Выготский ...