The Disproportionate Expansion of the Object of Legal Regulation: The Concept and Forms
In this article, I address the problem of the disproportionate expansion of the object of legal regulation. I stress the general tendency towards an overly broad understanding of the object of legal regulation in Russia and delineate the boundaries of legal regulation. In conclusion, I demonstrate the connection between the disproportionate expansion ...
Special legal regimes as a means to differentiate the legal regulation of entrepreneurship
The legal category of ‘legal regime’ is considered as a means of differentiating legal regulation of entrepreneurial activities. The author stresses the use of special legal regimes in entrepreneurship legislation and examines the purposes of their application. The article emphasises the problems of improving special legal regimes of entrepreneurship....
Legal regulation of extradition in Russia: the interplay between international and national provisions
... defending national interests when applying extradition norms made it possible to identify specific regulation problems. Factors hindering more effective implementation of the said provisions include their complexity, multi-level nature, insufficient legal regulation, the lack of bilateral treaties and the influence of national political dynamics on the implementation of international obligations. Analysing relevant legal norms and research perspectives leads to several conclusions. Firstly, there exists ...
Problems of increasing the efficiency of the special economic zone legal regime in the Kaliningrad region
... the main problems of improving the legal regime of the Special Economic Zone through the prism of efficiency increase. The author stresses the imperfection of some provisions contained in the Law on the Special economic Zone. Certain proposals on the legal regulation and law enforcement are formulated.
1. Собрание законодательства РФ. 2013. № 25, ст. 3155.
2. Об утверждении порядка эффективности налоговых льгот : постановление ...
The legal regime of property of religious nature: The canonical aspect
... собственности [Электронный ресурс] : федер. закон от 30 нояб. 2010 г. № 327-ФЗ. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «Гарант».
Alekseeva N.
church property, church property law, legal regulation, object, subject, legal regime of church property
Legal regulation of tax privileges for education educations and those involved in educational relations
... education through tax benefits in Russia and some other countries. The author considers the issues of using tax benefits by the subjects of educational relations. It is concluded that it is possible to adopt the international experience in improving the legal regulation on imposing taxes on educational organsiations and granting the subjects of education relations tax benefits in Russia
1. Налоговый кодекс Российской Федерации (ч. 1) от 31 июля 1998 г.
№ 146-ФЗ ...
Customer lending in Russia: Legal regulation and insurance
This article deals with the legal regulation, development, and mechanism of consumer loan insurance in Russia. The author presents statistical data of the Central Bank of Russia and identifies the current "bottlenecks" of the banking services market
1. Банковское ...