Phraseological units as a means of information compression in the American election discourse
Phraseological units are perhaps one of the most visible manifestations of language manipulation. Although phraseology has always been regarded as a powerful source of influencing people’s minds, relatively little is known about the way one perceives and interprets a phraseological unit which has accumulated a great deal of knowledge ...
The background knowledge as a language indicator of the intentional manipulative proposition
The article deals with the problem of language manipulation by the recipient’s perception with the help of the background knowledge. The special
emphasis is given to the description of the manipulative technique. The research is based on the texts of Russian and American political discourse.
The features of using manipulative techniques to influence public opinion (based on the materials of the US presidential campaign of 2012)
This article considers manipulative techniques used by US presidential candidates B. Obama and R. Romney in the 2012 election campaign. Language manipulation is presented as one of the major components of persuasion which guarantees the successful implementation of the intended goal. The main goal of the candidate’s election campaign is to win the election. The results of a comparative analysis ...
The methods of manipulative influence on the addressee aimed at creating a positive image: the case of 2012 presidential election campaign
... Судьба России — это и моя судьба // ЛДПР : [общественно-политическая газета]. URL: net.01.30.20121052583af54.pdf (дата обращения: 30.01.2012).
Sur E.
language manipulation, election campaign, positive image, public opinion, commendation.