A system of oppositions in A. Grin’s short story «Fandango» and their game transformations
... emphasises role of intertextual interaction as a means of opposition formation. The comparison of A. Grin’s “Fandango”, M.Yu. Lermontov’s “In the wild north…”, and H. Heine’s “Ein Fichtenbaum” is used to prove that A. Grin’s implicit language game is based on a multilingual anagrammatic code. The article examines the implicit semantics of the short story based on the writer’s game projections into his own works.
1. Википедия : свободная энциклопедия : [сайт]....
A language game with background knowledge
The tactics of a language game aimed at activating background knowledge of the recipient are studied in the texts of jokes, crossword puzzles, and other literature and speech materials. Special attention is paid to language games focusing on the reader’s knowledge of history ...
The anagrammatic game in proverbs and sayings: Russian and English analogues
... С.
Кусковская С.
Сборник английских пословиц и поговорок. Минск, 1987.
Соссюр Ф. де.
Курс общей лингвистики. М., 1977.
Kovalishin P.Yu.
language game, anagram, proverbs, sayings, Russian, English, comparative
method, typology.
«Nomen est omen»: the role of names in the novel Parade by Nikolay Kononov
... multilanguage anagrammatic code is chosen as a research technique: anagramming (in some cases with a transition from one language to another) allows the author to identify hidden meanings consciously or subconsciously used by the writer. N. Kononov resorts to language game throughout his novel and shows the connection between the name Lev and the semantics of physicality and personality traits. Describing his characters, the writer uses a number of images: the king of all animals, the cowardly lion, etc. The multilanguage ...
The functional and pragmatic features of assonance phraseological reflexes
... describe them in terms of traditional semantics prove unsuccessful. A proper study of assonance phraseological reflexes is possible only in the framework of speech act theory. From the cognitive perspective, these units of speech are an example of a language game typical of speech subcultures.
1. Баранов А. Н., Добровольский Д. О. Принципы семантического описания фразеологии // Вопросы языкознания. 2009. № 6. С. 21—27....
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Anastasia’s amnesia”. 1. Look for the roots!
... словарь русского языка : в 4 т. М., 1986. Т. 1.
9. Фрейденберг О. М. Поэтика сюжета и жанра. М., 1997.
Dmitrovskaya M.
Nikolai Kononov, “Amnesia of Anastasia”, mytopoetics, vegetative code, language game, anagram, multilingual anagrammatic code, “old-young” opposition, “top-bottom” opposition
Freud’s cognitive and linguistic insights in the theory of dream interpretation
... the theoretical ‘touching points’ of S. Freud’s theory of dream in¬terpretation and modern cognitive linguistics. The authors stress the relevance of such lin¬guistic transformations as metaphor, metonymy, symbolisation, paronymy, homonymy, language game, and associative networks for Freud’s theory. Moreover, polysemy, initial context conditions, and the transfer of content from one coding into another — from the iconic image system into the symbolic conceptual one — also play an important ...
The numerological code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Tripartite Sibling”
... Песенник анархиста-подпольщика : [сайт]. URL: http://a-pesni. org/ww2/oficial/3tankista.php (дата обращения: 24.06.15).
Temirova N.
Nikolai Kononov, “Tripartite sibling”, numerological code, pronoun system, language game, anagram, intertext.
The vegetative code in Nikolai Kononov’s short story “Ansatasiya’s Amnesia”
... обращения: 25.12.2014).
6. Online Etymology Dictionary. URL: http://etymonline.com (дата обращения: 26.12.2014).
Dmitrovskaya M
Nikolai Kononov, “Anastasiya’s Amnesia,” vegetative code, multi-language codes, anagram, language game, semantic invariant and variants.
From ekphrasis to autobiography (Nikolay Kononov’s story “Svetotomia”)
... Афродиты. URL:
. globalfolio.net/monsalvat/kittim/012aphrodite/afro4.htm (дата обращения: 05.04.2018).
Dmitrovskaya M. A., Ivanova E. T.
Nikolay Kononov, “Svetotomia”, conceptual system, ekphrasis, painting, photography, language game, multilingual code, biography, autobiography