On the hydrogeology of karstosphere: the case of the Urals and the Urals region
This article considers the hydrogeological parameters of the karstosphere and emphasises its unstable regime in the transit areas. Deep karst water zones and their catchment areas are more stable, in discharge areas they are characterised as weakly thermal. The sulphate karst is the site of formation of sulphate-calcium water with mineralisation of ≥ 3.5 g/l. Sulphate-sodium and soda ...
Karst rock types of the Perm region
This article focuses on the development features and distribution patterns of karst rocks in the Perm region, as well as their impact on the economic activity.
1. Атлас геолого-экономических электронных карт на базе компьютерной программы ArcView GIS 3.2a. Пермь,...