The model of proceedings in the court of first instance in the criminal procedure doctrine of Russia
... the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The results of the study allow us to determine the purpose, objectives of the proceedings in the court of first instance, its place among other proceedings to build its effective model.
Tkacheva N.V.
judicial power, court, proceedings in court, adversarial, publicity, protection of rights
The official as a public officer
... постановлений Пленумов Верховных судов СССР, РСФСР и РФ по уголовным делам. М., 2015. С. 205—214.
Chirkov A.
official; functions of official; public officer; legislative, executive, and judicial powers.
Antecedents to the idea of constitutional control in the French legal thought of the Enlightenment
... 20.03.2019).
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Alles M. V.
constitutional control, judicial power, sovereignty, common will, democratic legitimacy, constituent power