Fiscal policies stimulating private investment in the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad region
... region. Statistics accumulated during the validity period of the law, allows the author to analyze the situation and to draw conclusions about the specificity and the main results of the SEZ mechanisms. The aim of this research is to identify patterns of investment activity in the Kaliningrad SEZ and assess the impact of the zonal fiscal mechanism. The authors use a variety of methods — the method of dynamic analysis, the modelling method, the comparative analysis and graphical interpretation of statistical data....
The special legal treatment of investment activity in the Kaliningrad region
This article offers an analysis of the basic issues of introduction of special legal treatment of investment activity in the Kaliningrad region, describes the main features of investment treatment, and identifies several problems relating to the improvement of legislation and legal practices in this sphere.
1. Об Особой экономической зоне ...
Assessment of Innovation and Investment Activity in the Region
The concept of regional innovation system builds upon prospective innovation and takes into account the subsystem generating the knowledge that regulates the context and enterprises in regional innovation activity. This article considers the importance of innovation-investment activity evaluation for the construction of regional innovation systems, technological development of the economy, more efficient knowledge distribution,
and the formation of competitive ...
Legal guarantees for international investment according to the legislation of the Russian Federation
... comment)], Moscow.
15. Silkin,V. V. 2003, Prjamye inostrannye investicii v Rossii: pravovye formy privlechenija i zawity [Foreign direct investment in Russia: legal forms to attract and protect], Moscow.
Nilov Konstantin
investment activity, legal guarantees, foreign investment, national regime, safeguard clause