Woody plants of the Siberian Introduction Centre in the Kaliningrad region
30. Гисметио.ru. URL: http://www.gismeteo.ru/ (даты обращения: 29.03.2012, 5.02.2013, 13.03.2014, 14.03.2014, 23.03.2015).
Petrova N., Yakovleva T.
woody plants, introduction centre, acclimatisation, introduction, resilience, introduction areas, winter resistance, potential, adaptation.
The adaptive potential and ecology of woody plants of the Irano-Turanian introduction centre in the conditions of the South Baltic (Kaliningrad region)
... Ges.,1922. Bd. 32. S. 4—52.
28. Гисметео.ru. URL: http://www.gismeteo.ru/ (даты обращения: 29.03.2012,05.02.2013, 13.03.2014, 14.03.2014).
Petrova N., Chernyshova Yu., Dedkov V., Yakovleva S.
acclimatization, introduction, introduction areas, Irano-Turanian introduction center, winter hardiness, winter hardiness zones, adaptation
Plants of the genus Acer L. in the Kaliningrad regional dendroflora
... Stadtgärtnerei in Konigsberg (Pr), 1938, 57с.
31. Schwerin F. Jahresversammlung zu Konigsberg in Pr. — Mitt. Dt. dendr. Ges., 1922, Bd. 32, S. 4—52.
Petrova N.G., Yakovleva T.A. Popova E.A.
woody plants, acclimatization, adaptation, introduction, introduction areas, resilience, potential