Intonological aspect of the vocal form of the language (on the example of the Russian choir)
... studies intonation features of vocal form of the language. The melody of national opera music reveals inherent prosodic corrrelation with the language intonation units and their features. The two cognitive systems, namely music and language, function via intonological models (the ones characteristic of both music and speech) of perception. Although the vocal music melody of a national language is not fully identical to speech intonation patterns acoustically, it still includes a number of intonation ...
Identification of intonation and emotions of the native language in vocal melody perception
... language existence, vocal music reveals specific tonal features that imply communicative and emotive meanings perceived via the human auditory faculty. A vocal-music utterance is intonationally correlated with samples of oral speech, this fact proving intonological essence of the considered phenomenon, whose systemic studies have only recently started. This paper describes an attempt to obtain factual data on the character of intonational correlation of national vocal music to the native language. ...