Expanding opportunities for obtaining testimony from witnesses in criminal proceedings
... improvement of the forensic support to the process of evidence obtaining. The purpose of the study was determined by the need to consider the tactical possibilities of obtaining objective testimony from witnesses. While analyzing the ways to improve the interrogation tactics, the research considered social groups the witnesses belonged to. The article discusses general issues of the content of information and its basic elements. Dialectical and comparative research methods helped to define ways to ...
The avoidance of investigative errors when interrogating women
In view of the situational nature of investigative errors, the authors identify the most typical errors made in the course of interrogating women suspected (accused) of violent crimes. The article formulates a number of tactical recommendations on their avoidance and describes the ways to increase the efficiency of such interrogations.
1. Цветков С. И. Тактические ...
The tactical features of interrogating witnesses to crimes against public officials
... the application of witness personality doctrine when investigating crimes against public officials. The cases of crimes against employees of correctional facilities help describe the features of different categories of witnesses and propose tactics of interrogating witnesses of each type.
1. Информационный бюллетень Прокуратуры Калининградской области. 2008—2012.
2. Волчецкая Т. С., Осипова Е. В., Киселев Д. Г....
Tactics of particular investigating actions relating to crimes against public officers
... федерального университета им. И. Канта. Калининград, 2011. С. 124—130. Вып. 9.
6. Шепитько В. Ю. Криминалистика. Харьков, 2009.
Kiselev D.
public officer, violence against public officer, interrogation, tactics, investigative actions