On Sources and Mechanisms of Coastal Area Self-development
... entrepreneurship functioning on the basis of genetic-cultural determination. The author comes to the conclusion that an efficient regional economic policy aimed at the increase in the region’s competitiveness should rest, first of all, on the development of intellectual capital and the corresponding human capital, the revival and strengthening of the economic role of technocracy and small innovative enterprises.
Гогоберидзе Г.
Комплексное регионирование приморских ...
Geography of knowledge: clustering national competence centres of Russia
While transiting to an innovation economy, cities are the most important centres of concentration of intellectual capital. However, their distribution around the territory of the country is not even. Various Russian cities also demonstrate significant differences between the systems of new scientific knowledge reproduction. The article focuses on the mesoscale study ...
Sustainable development of the city territorial capital: adaptive policy through the geography of knowledge
... productivity having scientific connections at the national and international level; the third, the “silent” cities, which do not show any activity in any way.
Mikhaylov A. S., Mikhaylova A. A., Hvaley D. V.
knowledge generation, science centre, intellectual capital, spatial bibliometrics, city typology, research network, knowledge production function