The development of science as a factor in the Kaliningrad region innovative security
The paper examines the role of research institutions in the system of innovation security of the region and highlights vital interests and security threats to the regional innovation system in the field of research. The author describes important factors having a positive and a negative impact on the competitiveness of the research ...
Regional innovation security as a coherence of multi-cyclic self-organizing: experience in building an ideal model
... 2010. Vol. 62, № 5. P. 419—470.
28. Roberts G. E. From Music to Mathematics: Exploring the Connections. Baltimore, 2016. P. 112.
29. Winckel F. Music, Sound and Sensation: A Modern Exposition. Dover, 1967. P. 134.
Gorochnaya V. V.
economic security, innovation security, regional reproduction, economic cycles, self-organizing, self-regulation, geo-economic turbulence, Russian Western-border regions
Innovative security of the region: the problem of the formation of the innovation environment of the Kaliningrad region
The article is devoted to the topical issue of providing innovation security of the Kaliningrad region, Russia’s exclave on the Baltic Sea. The author discusses the importance of creating a favourable innovation environment in the region for sustainable implementation of the innovative model of economic development....
Coastal and western border centers in the system of large cities of modern Russia: socio-economic and innovation development.
... smart specialization // Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2016. № 10. Р. 65—81. doi: org/10.32609/0042-8736-2016-10-65-81.
Kuznetsova T. Yu., Gorochnaya V. V., Rostovtsev N. G.
large cities, coastal cities, Russian Western Borderlands, economic security, innovation security, cluster analysis.
Center-peripheral dimension of innovative security in the Western border regions of Russia (the case of the Rostov region)
The article is devoted to studying the territorial patterns of the formation of an innovative space and ensuring innovation security at a municipal level. The geography of the study covers the municipalities of the Rostov region. The analysis of some indicators of innovative activity characterizing the level of provision of residents and small and medium-sized businesses ...