Trägheit und Raum: Kant und Euler
... Newton’s Principia. However, a closer look makes it clear that Kant’s project has also been influenced by other thinkers. One of these thinkers is Leonard Euler. His work was of great influence for Kant, not only with regards to his view on space and inertia but on the relation between metaphysics and natural science in general. Even though Euler’s Physics built on Newton’s work, he differs from him in fundamental regards, leading to crucial developments inside classical mechanics. Here I will ...
On a 3D visualization of a solution to the problem of top movement along a smooth horizontal surface
... // Материалы II Международной конференции, посвященной Карлу Якоби. Калининград, 2013. С. 33—36.
Shpilevoy A., Khudenko V., Persichkina N
3D visualization, top, smooth surface, inertia center, inertia momentum.