Teacher training for the formation of functional literacy in primary school: the problem of individualisation
... educational result is possible by engaging with the student in both the current developmental zone and the zone of proximal development. Such work, which requires preparing future teachers for this specific professional activity, can be organised through individualised interaction between the teacher and pupils. This study aims to examine the problem of individualisation in response to the need to individualise primary school pupils’ education while developing functional literacy and to assess the feasibility ...
Psychological and Pedagogical Provision of Variative Education routes in State Schools
... Школа — 2000: Концепции, методики, эксперимент: сб. науч. тр. / под ред. Ю.
И. Дика, А.
В. Хуторского. М.: ПОСО РАО, 1999. С. 285—291.
Galatskova I.
education individualisation and differentiation, variative education routes, psychological and pedagogical support.
Role of Knowledge Improvement Tests in the System of Pedagogical Diagnostic Methods
... application of knowledge improvement tests in the framework of main university activities. The author shows that the tests offered correspond to the system of pedagogical diagnostics as a method of knowledge improvement and contribute to the solution of the individualised training problem.
Артищева Е.
О структуре психолого-педагогической диагностики в учебном процессе вуза //
Вестник Российского государственного ...