Individual work at higher education institutions: Theoretical representation
The article focuses on the individual work of students as an important component of higher education. The author defines the essence and scope of individual work in the framework of modern concepts of education.
Бондарчук Т.
В., Ишматова А.
Гуманистическая ...
Individual and psychological characteristics of future specialists in university physical education and sport
... организация : материалы I Международного конгресса : в 2 ч. Белгород, 2009. Ч. 1. С. 65—68.
Tomashevskaya O., Mamporiya S.
higher physical education, students’ individual psychological characteristics, individual work, increase in training process efficiency
The essence and content of students' individual work in the conditions of a university
This article describes the results of a study into the concept and requirements for students' individual work.
Буряк В.
Самостійна робота як системоутворюючий елемент навчальної діяльності студентів // Вища школа. 2008. №
5. С. 10—24.