The features of organisation of free indirect speech in contemporary Russian fiction
On the basis of V.S. Makanin and T.N. Tolstaya’s works, the author examines the organisation of free indirect speech, analyses the dynamic processes peculiar to contemporary fictional speech, and describes the interaction between the basic structures of free indirect discourse, which reflects the features of the “new type of prose”.
Ахметова ...
Structure and functions of author’s account of internal monologue in Anton Chekhov’s stories 1880―1903
... in Anton Chekhov’s stories 1880— 1903. Structural, semantic and functional features determine AAIM. Actively the verbal-analytical AAIM presents the inner speech in Anton Chekhov’s objective narration period. AAIM approaches the forms of free indirect speech. The linguistic features of the AAIM actualize the subject-speech plan of the narrator and the character. Stylistic elements and syntactic constructions make up Chekhov’s polyphonic narrative. Quotations in external speech organize the dialogization ...
Borrowed speech in a written text
... Волошинов В. Философия и социология гуманитарных наук. СПб., 1995.
3. Отин Е. С. Избранные работы. Донецк, 1997.
Lomov A.
borrowed speech, citation, direct speech, free indirect speech, indirect speech, reminiscence.
The functional and pragmatic features of assonance phraseological reflexes (дата обращения: 26.04.2014).
9. Brown P., Levinson S. Universals in language usage: politeness phenomena.N. Y., 1978.
Shkapenko T.
phraseological reflexes, response phrases, indirect speech acts, assonances, language game