Typology of the geodemographic situation in the regions of the North-West of Russia
The article evaluates the geodemographic situation at the meso level through complex analysis of demographic, migration, socio-economic processes in the subjects of the North-West Federal District of Russia. The authors have selected 30 assessment indicators which reflect in aggregate the level of demographic development, the quality and standard of living of the population. It allowed to make the typology of subjects NWFD of the Russian Federation by the nature of the geodemographic situation ...
Language indicators of confrontational speech strategies used in everyday marital discourse
... weakening the communicative position of the communication partner. To achieve the research goal, descriptive method, method of component analysis, observation and interpretation method, intent analysis, and discourse analysis were applied. Linguistic indicators expressing the confrontational speech strategy were studied at all levels of the language system — semantic, lexical, lexico-grammatical, syntactic, as well as at the pragmatic one, taking into account the communication situation. Dialogues ...
Systematisation of Objectives and Efficiency Indicators of Regional Executive Authority
This article considers the problem of regional governance improvement. The author systematises the objectives of regional supreme executive authorities and examines the set of indicators for assessing the performance of regional governments. An algorithm of the calculation of efficiency indicators and criteria of their estimation are offered in the article.
Захаров В.
Ф., Маточкин Ю.
Основы ...
Information resource for corporate reporting for the innovative attractiveness of business
At present, the regulation and unification of non-financial reporting are of great interest to scientific community. International accounting standardization organizations offer a variety of reporting formats and a set of indicators of corporate non-financial reporting for their users. The article explores some provisions that regulate the composition of non-financial reporting and offers their comparative analysis. As a result of the study, the authors proposed a new ...
Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the Kaliningrad region
... assessment of the endemic stage was done using a diagnostic algorithm proposed by I. M. Son (2002). The obtained results characterize the epidemiological situation in the region as stable. The author concludes that further monitoring of the epidemiological indicators is required. To confirm the objectivity of the obtained results the author assesses the validity of the basic TB indicators.
1. Здравоохранение Калининградской области в цифрах : информационно-аналитический ...
Quality of life and its social and environmental indicators
This article presents social and environmental indicators of life quality affecting the health of population. The authors focus on the dynamics of such diseases as tuberculosis, HIV infection, and malignant neoplasms. The factors determining the unfavourable situation relating to life quality and ...