Imperative modality as a mechanism of creating universal human values (based on Russian and English translations of biblical idioms)
This article considers different types of imperative modality and the ways their meanings are manifested in the semantic structure of biblical idioms. It is assumed that, in biblical idioms, the formation of universal human values is based on the imperative modality represented by suggestives, requestives,...
Interrogative and imperative modality in a literary text (The case of satirical writings of the 19th/early 20th century)
The satirical works of N. V. Gogol, A. Averchenko, and I. Ilf and Ye. Petrov help consider the specific functional features of the microfield of interrogatively imperative modality in a literary text. The author establishes the structure-content correlation of the question and imperative within the given microfield and identifies the most regular means of expression of its specific meanings.
1. Бабенко Л. Г., ...
The functioning of utterances conveying the modal meaning of possibility in the texts of television commercials
... языка. М.; Л., 1948—1965. Т. 1—17.
русского языка / АН СССР, Ин-т русского языка. М., 1985—1988. Т. 1—4.
Tutukova Ye. M.
situational modality, modal meaning of possibility, imperative modality, texts of commercials, utterance.