Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in HIV-infected patients: risk factors, clinical features, outcomes, prevention
This article claims that a decrease in the high frequency (62,5 %) of unfavourable outcomes of severe immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome can be achieved through an adequate monitoring of HIV-infected patients consisting in early detection, treatment and prevention of coinfections and swift elimination of other risk factors.
1. David M., Willem ...
The prioritising of functional immunity criteria
In the course of establishing legitimate limitations and control over trade navigation in the open sea, the need to define the nature of vessel's activity is of utmost importance for the ascertainment of vessel's immunity. At the same time, today, the international legislator establishes two criteria of the commercial character of a deal: the "purpose" of the deal and the "nature of the deal", the latter being the crucial one. The author considers ...
Current Problems of Ensuring Personal Liberty and Immunity in the Russian Federation in the Light of Decisions of the European court of Human Rights
The article analyses the acute problems of the observance of rights to personal liberty and immunity, provided by the Article 5 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the light of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the Russian Federation.
Witnessing in criminal proceedings
This article analyses witness participation in criminal proceedings. The author pays special attention to witness immunity and relevant forensic analysis. The significance of this institution is characterized from the perspective of the identity of a witness. The author stresses the importance of developing a unified approach to the procedural status of a witness....
The antinomy of political reason. Some deliberations on Kant’s “Answer-ing the Question: What is Enlightenment?”
..., Enlightenment as a pedagogical project, Enlightenment as a political project, dilemma of citizen, antinomy of political reason, “civil conscience” concept, concept of “dignity” as a rule of political reason, dialectic of the Enlightenment, immunity of the Enlightenment.
Soboleva M.
[text]1. Arendt, H. 2008, Banal’nost’ zla: Eichmann v Jerusalime [Adolf Eichmann, and how Evil Isn't Banal], Моscow.2. Kant, I. 1994, Otvet na vopros: chto takoe prosveschenie?...