Imagology as a Part of Compartive Literary Studies
The author explores the genesis and evolution of imagology as a field of comparative literary studies abroad, considering ideas of G. M. Carré, M. F. Guyard, A. Dima, D. H. Pageaux, H. Dyserinck and paying particular attention to the modern approach presented by J. Leerssen, a well-known representative ...
East on the “mental map” of 18th century English essayists: The imagological aspect
This article attempts to identify the dominant oriental hetero-images of the eighteenth-century English essays. It deals with the imagological structures of the oriental essay, by means of which the author outlines the main oriental constructs on the Englishmen’s «mental map» as artistic methods of opening up the literary space of the era.
1. Duprat A., Picherot É. Récits ...
“Bavaria, which I will never forget”: to the image of German space in “Travel letters from England, Germany and France” by Nikolay Gretch
The paper deals with images of Bavarian space based on the travelogue “Travel letters from England, Germany and France” by Nikolay Gretch from the imagological and semiotic points of view. The representation of the metropolitan and provincial imagery of Bavaria is analyzed. Its liminality, fixed in Gretch’s text, is revealed, i. e. intermediate position between North and South. A connection is ...
Foreign culture images and the civilisation/barbarianism opposition in Evelyn Waugh’s Decline and Fall
The author examines Evelyn Waugh's novel Decline and Fall from the imagological point of view. The author identifies and analyses ethnic stereotypes reflected in the images of members of ‘other’ peoples and races. The article stresses that the novel’s system of cultural images of ‘others’ should be analysed ...
The image of Russia as a result of a political conjuncture, or The Metamorphosis of Abbé de Pradt
The focus of the article, written within the framework of the imagological approach, is the reconstruction of the image of Russia in France during the years of the Restoration. The article is based on the analysis of the views of the famous French diplomat and politician Abbé D. de Pradt (1759–1837). The relationship ...