The stylistic aspect of Russian and English biblical idioms
This article deals with the balance and misbalance of the English and Russian biblical idioms as regards their stylistic colouring. The idea is put forward that the misbalance can be accounted for by the different priorities of the Western and Eastern cultural traditions.
1. Апресян Ю. Д. Образ человека по данным ...
The Concept of Soul: A Comparative Study of the Russian and the Armenian Pictures of the World
... world. It is known that a concept contains important cultural information, harbouring its concrete meaning in a linguistic unit. The study — a combination of cultural linguistic and comparative analysis of the concept — suggests that certain Russian idioms containing the concept ‘soul’ have equivalents in the Armenian language. However, in most Armenian equivalents, the ‘soul’ component is replaced by the ‘heart’ mythologeme. In the Armenian language, the concepts of ‘soul’ and ‘heart’ ...