Substandard as the basis of author's idiolect in the Russian prose of the 21st century
This article analyses the usage of substandard elements in literary works. Substandard is regarded as a characteristic of the author's idiolect from the standpoint of their internal culture, ethics and aesthetic expressiveness. It is emphasised that the author's usage of substandard units depends on both ideological and thematic content as well as the cultural-linguistic state of the ...
Quantitative analysis of parts of speech functioning of in Boris Ryzhy’s poetry
... presents the results of counting and arranging parts of speech in Boris Ryzhy’s poems. The science article aims to identify and present an objective “part-of-speech picture” (as applied to nouns, adjectives and verbs) of Boris Ryzhy’s poetic idiolect. Within the framework of this research work was chosen the multifaceted approach that combines quantitative, interpretive and comparison and collation types of analysis. It is worth pointing out that the methodology of standardized data processing ...
List of lexical combinations in the macrostructure of a frequency author dictionary: on forwarding the problem
... role of keywords and complements the dictionary’s card file, opening up broad prospects for a multi-dimensional analysis of Boris Ryzhy’s lexical heritage.
Baranovskii P.S.
lexical combinations, intertextual connections, frequency dictionary, idiolect, poetic world, Boris Ryzhy