The ethical and philosophical antinomy of foundations of Kant’s theory of family law
... метафизике нравов // Соч. : в 4 т. на нем. и рус. яз. М., 1997. Т. 3.
3. Локк Дж. Два трактата о правлении // Соч. : в 3 т. М., 1988. Т. 3.
person, personality, personal right that is real in kind, humanity right, possession, matrimony, family, moral substance
Sudakov A. K.
[html]1. Kant, I. 1965, Metafizika nravov [Metaphysics of Morals], T. 4, Part. 2, Moscow.<br />2. Kant, I. 1997, Osnovopolozhenie k metafizike ...