Using the economics dynamics principles in modelling the process of original accumulation of household waste
This article justifies the use of economic dynamics principles in the process of modelling the existing system of household waste accumulation. The authors identify a number of factors relating to the tendency of various organisational manifestations to stable equilibrium of the process of accumulating household waste in containers. The model is based on the linear ...
Household items of the 13th—15th centuries from the necropolis of Alt-Wehlau
The article examines composition and morphology of household items that were found in burials of the second half of the 13th—15th centuries in necropolis of Alt-Wehlau situated in Prussian land Nadrovia. These items include razors, flints, whetstones, keys and comb that were common in everyday life ...
Household management as seen by the federal military personnel during the American Civil War
... of the conflict. Despite this fact, the dynamics of economic relationships between the Federal servicemen on the front and their relatives lacks proper attention. This article aims to define the types of the Union troops’ participation in the household economy. For this purpose, their letters and diary entries were analyzed in both formal and content-related aspects to find statements concerning the economic well-being of their families. These statements were put into the context of a soldier’s ...
Management of the pre-recycling collection and storage of household and industrial waste
... их переработки. Волгоград, 2005.
6. Министерство ЖКХ Калининградской области : [сайт]. URL: (дата обращения: 15.02.2015
Sinitisna D., Chunina A.
waste, solid household waste, recycling, utilisation, waste management system, waste storage and disposal areas, landfills.
Private subsidiary farming: From the history of everyday life of Kaliningrad kolkhozes (1946—1953)
... 129—138.
39. Шмелев Г. И. Личное подсобное хозяйство и его связи с общественным производством. М., 1971.
Kostyashov Yu.
kolkhozes, history of everyday life, Kaliningrad region, household plots, 1946—1953
The family: A legal definition
14. Шершеневич Г. Ф. Учебник русского гражданского права. М., 1995. Т. 2.
Monakhov A.
family, cohabitation, marriage, germaneness, in-law relationship, adoption, mutual support, child-rearing, common household