Problems of analytic and synthetic propositions in the history of logic
Certain historical facts relating to the history of discussions on the nature of analytic and synthetic propositions in logic are used to demonstrates that the interpretation of their states largely depend on the accepted image of logic.
1. Брюшинкин В. Н., Ходикова Н. А. Теория поиска вывода. Происхождение и философские ...
The rhetorical turn in argumentation theory
This article focuses on the key aspects of the rhetorical approach developed by Christopher Tindale and emphasizes its significance for modern theory of argumentation. The article examines the historical background of the rhetorical turn and its relation to informal logic and pragma-dialectics. The author argues that it is justified to consider different approaches to argumentation as complementary.
1. Blair J. A. Tindale’s Acts of arguing: A rhetorical model of argument // Informal Logic. 2000. Vol. 20 (2).