The historical consciousness of students: results of a survey carried out at Kaliningrad universities
This article offers data on the results of a survey of students of humanities of Kaliningrad universities. The survey was dedicated to the assessment of maturity of historical consciousness in youth. The author characterises the general picture of knowledge of regional history and identifies the gaps.
Krivosheev V.
historical consciousness; maturity of historical consciousness; relation to the past; famous people.
The voice of history and the politics: On the issue of effective historical consciousness in modern history in the light of N. Karamzin’s historiography
... путешественника. М., 1982.
7. Лотман Ю. М. Внутри мыслящих миров. Человек — текст — семиосфера — история. М., 1996.
8. Эйдельман Н. Я. Последний летописец. М., 1983.
historical science, hermeneutics, effective-historical consciousness, Providence, conscience, Decemberists, Russian idea
Gilmanov V.