Pushkin texts in the description of characters by Dostoevsky and Nabokov
... context]. Vol. 7. Arzamas. pp. 133—142 (in Russ.).
Kroo, K., 2005. The Queen of Spades A. S. Pushkin in the novel F. M. Dostoevsky «Player». In: K. Kroo, ed. Tvorcheskoe slovo Dostoevskogo — geroi, tekst, intertekst [Dostoevsky's creative word — hero, text, intertext]. St. Petersburg. pp. 9—29 (in Russ.).
Kunilsky, A. E., 2006. «Lik zemnoi i vechnaya istina». O vospriyatii mira i izobrazhenii geroya v proizvedeniyakh F. M. Dostoevskogo [«The face of the earth and the eternal truth». On ...
Mikhail Ancharov and the poetry of Mayakovsky
... Ancharov, which was formed in the 1930s and 1940s, was strongly influenced by the classic of Soviet literature. In Ancharov’s lyrics, the influence of Mayakovsky (especially his early works) manifests at various levels: at the level of the lyrical hero’s character — independent and expressive, particularly in love (“Pykhom klubit par...” (Steam Billows...), “Tsyganochka” (The Gypsy Girl)); in urban motifs, the theme of a person’s tragic lostness in a huge city (“Pesnya o nizkoroslom ...
The Paradise theme in G. Kh. Andersen’s tales
The Paradise theme in Andersen’s fairy tales determines the system of images, the values of the hero and the author, the type and specific features of symbolism. The article shows, how the Paradise theme is related to the categories of life and death, time and eternity. The author lays a special stress on the role of Scripture text, which organizes ...
The idea of destiny and its intertextual projections in ‘fairstory’ in “The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye” by A. Byatt
... Cambridge, Massachussetts, 2002.
9. Byatt A. S. Interview / Tanya Harrod & Glean Adamson // The Journal of Modern Craft. 2011. Vol. 4, iss. 1 P. 65—82.
Vladimirova N.
the idea of Destiny, insertintertextual inclusions, character system, surreal hero
Poetics of the ‘ideal’: The ancient and Christian tradition in K. N. Leontyev’s novel Odysseus Polychroniades
This article examines the interaction between ancient and Christian world-view traditions in K. N. Leontyev’s novel Odysseus Polychroniades. Leontyev expresses Christian ideas using images of Greek heroes. The ancient tradition is represented in the pan-aesthetic attitude of the literary work. In the text, the two traditions are compared using the ‘icon – picture’ opposition. The article stresses the connection between Christian and ancient ...