The Relationship between Heart Rhythm Variability and the Heart Rate in Adolescents and Young Adults
In this article, we study the degree of dependence of heart rate variability in healthy adolescents and young adults on the average rhythm frequency. In the study group, heart rate variability decreased as heart rate grew. Although there was no difference in the increase in the heart rate, the variability ...
Young ‘s body mass index and its im¬pact on the frequency and variability of the heart rhythm at quiet and after phy¬sical load
A medical examination on a selected group of young people demonstrated a negative correlation between the body mass index and the heart rate at rest, which disappeared after some physical activity. Physical activity was observed to change the heart rate variability under the influence of the changes magnitude in the initial heart rate. No correlation between body mass index and ...
Comparison of heart rate parameters in students with different achievements in rest and conditions of short-term mental stress
Frequency and variability of heart rate served as instruments to assess the stress resistance of two groups of students with different average academic performance in different periods of the educational process: at the beginning and at the end of the autumn semester. Mental stress ...
Rheological properties of blood and hemostasis of the stab wounds of the heart
The authors try to characterize changes in viscosities of blood and thromboresistance of vascular endothelium after stab wounds of heart. To achieve the goal, the indicators of microblood circulation were studied in 34 patients. All patients were divided into two groups: the first group of 17 people has been operated for the wounds of heart with the thoracotomy, suturing heart wounds ...
Heart and blood vessels remodeling and the estimation of residual risk in patients with myocardial infarction
... myocardium with a predominant combination of cavity dilatation and hypertrophic left ventricle. One third of patients having endothelial dysfunction have remodelling of the myocardium. It explains a greater frequency of angina pectoris and the development of heart failure symptoms. Persistent remodelling is associated with impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation; a significant number of patients develop paradoxical vasoconstriction. A combination of these factors largely determines the degree of residual ...
The Concept of Soul: A Comparative Study of the Russian and the Armenian Pictures of the World
... linguistic and comparative analysis of the concept — suggests that certain Russian idioms containing the concept ‘soul’ have equivalents in the Armenian language. However, in most Armenian equivalents, the ‘soul’ component is replaced by the ‘heart’ mythologeme. In the Armenian language, the concepts of ‘soul’ and ‘heart’ are relatively equal in the scope of information they encode. Moreover, there are words containing the ‘soul’ (հոգի) component that do not have equivalents ...
Accidental Detection of Cardiac Lipomas
... миксомой левого предсердия // Вестник национального медико-хирургического центра им. Н. И. Пирогова. 2009. Т. 4, № 1. С. 136—137.
Alekseeva I. V., Gordova V. S.
lipoma, heart tumour, atrial fibrillation and flutter, surgical treatment
Creation of the effective cathode jack for the micro-SPD
This paper presents the scope of challenges which are faced in development and manufacturing of the cathode-compensator dedicated for micro-SPTs, and possible ways of how to overcome them. As compared to standard models, such a cathode shall be smaller in dimensions, shall have a lover propellant flow rate, as well as lover heater power and power consumption when self-operated; and it shall be able to operate in the current range of 0.3…1A or lower.
1. Белан Н. В., Ким В. П., Оранский А. И., Тихонов...