The problems of health protection socialisation of children at pre-school educational institutions
This article focuses on the results of health behavior diagnostic of pre-school children. They indicate that pre-school education is the only element of education system that pays attention to children’s healthcare and development of health skills. This article discusses the problems of healthcare ...
A comparative analysis of health behaviour factors in children in the conditions of family education: Russian and American cases
his article presents a comparative analysis of the factors of family education influencing children’s health behavior and life expectancy. The work is based on two empirical studies conducted in the U.S. (Utah) and the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad region), as well as the Republic of Belarus.
1. Мехович Г. А. Самосохранительное ...
Self-preservation behavior in children of 3—5 years in the conditions of family upbringing
... Методы семейной диагностики и психотерапии : метод. пособие. М., 1996. (Сер.«Психодиагностика: педагогу, врачу, психологу». Вып. 1).
Mekhovich G.
health behavior, family upbringing.
The attitude of university students towards health behaviour in the context of nutrition: empirical research
...., Винокуров Ф. Н. Лояльность потребителей как социальная установка // Психологические исследования. Т. 5, № 23.
Kolbasina K., Alimpiyeva A.
attitude, healthcare, health behavior, diagnostics.
Healthy lifestyle behaviour of students: problem areas
On the basis of diagnostics performed, this article discusses the problem areas of health behavior in children, teenagers, and young adults stydying within the educational system.
Кучма В.
Р., Сухарева С.
Состояние здоровья современных детей и подростков и ...