The groundwater monitoring in the Novgorod region in the system of regional nature management
This article examines the current state of the groundwater system monitoring in the Novgorod region. The groundwater monitoring observations serve as the basis for prediction assessment of water resources. The efficiency of water resource management largely depends on the comprehensiveness and reliability ...
Promising methods for detecting submarine groundwater discharge in the Baltic Sea and experience of their application
Submarine discharge of groundwater (SDGW) is a hydrological process that typically occurs in coastal areas and is defined as the underwater inflow of fresh and brackish groundwater from the continent to the sea. The discharge of waters with a composition sharply different ...
The assessment of the groundwater resource sustainability in the European part of Russia
This article presents a method to assess the resistance of groundwater resources to anthropogenic impact and the fresh groundwater withdrawal as well as the results of such assessment for different territories of the country ranging from a federal district or a region to an artesian basin. The assessment was ...
Estimation of Natural Protection of Groundwater in the Kaliningrad Region
This paper makes an attempt to divide the territory of the region according to the degree of groundwater protection. Protection against pollution is provided by the tight sediment layer that prevents the penetration of contaminants from the surface into the aquifer. The author distinguishes areas of insufficient natural protection, potentially ...
Linear algorithm for restoring the geological structure of the designed well for the user's access to groundwater resources
A linear algorithm for calculating the vertical geological structure at a given point in the region has been developed as an additional tool for the design procedure to access groundwater resources of the Moscow-Valdai aquifer. The descriptions of the test set of boreholes were digitized in the Kaliningrad region. The study proposes an algorithm for constructing a "virtual well”, which describes the desired vertical ...
On the causes of the extinction of black saxaul in the East Karakum and its impacts on the ecology and the economy of the desert
... усыхания в Восточных Каракумах // Биогеографические основы индикации природных процессов. М., 1974. С. 15—18.
Dedkov V. P.
landscape, ecology, evolution, phytocenosis, groundwater, mineralization, negative correlation.