An assessment of the role of green belts in creating comfortable microclimatic conditions in summer
Against the background of global warming and a decline in urban vegetation, they pose a danger of overheating in summer. In this article, we stress the significance of green spaces as a principal factor in reducing the overheating of urban surfaces. We analyse a high-rise residential area in the left-bank part of the city of Voronezh to perform a simulation of microclimatic conditions in summer. The following parameters ...
The impact of environmental factors on housing prices in Kaliningrad
... Быкова Е. Н. Экологическая обстановка территории важный фактор оценки земли // ИВД. 2012. № 4—1. С. 39.
Konopyolkina N. A., Bekin D. V.
residential property, price characteristics, green spaces, correlation, spatial analysis, GIS technology, interpolation