Geopolitical regionalisation of the Baltic area: the essence and historical dynamics
The article discusses a theoretical framework for investigating regionalisation and geopolitical regionalisation, employing the activity-geospatial approach. The main theoretical foci of this study are system-forming, or region-building, socio-geo-adaptation and geopolitical relations. The article examines various types of transboundary and transnational geopolitical regionalisation as manifestos of geopolitical relations. These types are categorised based on scale, functional area, historical and...
Spatial and structural patterns in the distribution of R&D, innovation and production activities in Russia
A modern innovative economy relies on the continual integration of knowledge and technologies into production, monitoring, and management processes. Therefore, territorial proximity and sectoral complementarity of the activities of scientific, technological and industrial organisations are crucial factors in fostering innovation. This article aims to assess the relationship between a region’s economic and scientific specialisation and the level of its innovative development. The object of the study...
The Development of Russian Social Geography: Challenges, Trends, Priorities
Promoting the development of social geography (one of the most important components of present-day social sciences) is especially important for contemporary Russia. In the last 25 years Russian social geography has seen dramatic disciplinary changes. On the one hand, it has widened its scope. On the other hand, it has suffered from a growing contradiction between the popularization of the social geographic knowledge, the need to have a clear understanding of the factors and results of a multi-scale...
Framework for the Analysis of Geography of Transnational Corporations Investments Abroad
This article develops a methodology for studying the geography of companies — an area of human geography that remains understudied in Russia. The authors refer to foreign direct investment (FDI) studies to stress the importance of analysing individual transnational corporations. Special attention is paid to FDI statistics, including international statistics provided by IMF, OECD, and UNCTAD, the official data of central banks on FDI destinations, and information on companies’ assets by geographical...
Estonia’s party system today: electoral turbulence and changes in ethno-regional patterns
A well-developed party system has emerged in Estonia over the decades of independence. There are, however, distinct geographical patterns of voting. A number of new political parties have appeared in the country; the regional and ethnic patterns of voting (the latter matter much in Estonia) have changed dramatically. This study aims to analyse the recent changes in the Estonian party system as well as the causes of these changes and the effect of the ethnic and geographical factors on the transformation...
Was wusste Kant über Asien? Hinweise und Überlegungen zu Kants Interesse an Fragen der Geographie
Unterstützt durch zehn Abbildungen wird erstens versucht, den Umständen nachzuspüren, die Kant´s Interesse an der Geographie geweckt und aufrecht erhalten haben. Zweitens werden die kartographischen und literarischen Quellen im Umriß skizziert, aus denen Kant den Stoff für den Abschnitt über ›Asien‹ in seinen Vorlesungen über Physische Geographie bezogen ...