Regional business letters of the mid-18th century in the aspect of genre parameterization
... addressee, function, structure, the type of transmitted information, spatio-temporal localization of the document. Business letters are claimed to be a particular document type. The uniformity of their structure and insignificant variability in genre parameters realization enable automatic genre identification even if the document title is missing.
Sheptukhina E. M., Tikhonova N. I.
history of the Russian language, regional business writing, document, genre, genre parameters, business letter
The parameterisation of document texts as a means of genre identification
... Волгоградского государственного университета. Сер. 2:
Языкознание. 2015. № 5 (29). С. 7—18.
Kosova M. V.
history of Russian language, business writing, regional documents, message, news, genre parameters, Don Cossack Host