Museum exhibition text: intercultural and translation aspects
... where linguistic norms are violated. The style of the texts of museum expositions is, as a rule, publicistic, some texts also have features of scientific, spoken and literary styles. While translating, the translator should aim to save the meaning and functional style.
Novozhilova A.
intercultural communication, dialogue of cultures, text of the museum exhibition, translation of museum texts, functional style
Lexical means to express an author’s opinion in popular science groups on the VKontakte social network
... means to express an author’s opinion. A typology of such means is introduced in the context of analysis. It is concluded that the lexical means used to express an author’s opinion influence the process of deformation and mutual integration of the functional styles of the Russian language.
1. Воронцова Т. А. Речевая агрессия: вторжение в коммуникативное пространство. Ижевск, 2006.
2. Гайда С. Актуальные задачи стилистики ...
Scientific writing in teaching foreign languages to future researchers
This article highlights the need to address the stylistics of scientific writing when teaching a foreign language to future scientists. The author presents a historical overview of the key stages of development of functional style theory and describes the modern perspective on scientific writing in the following aspects: field of use, topic and content, characteristics of the sender and recipient, purpose and forms of speech, and general properties, linguistic features, and ...
Current processes in the stylistic system of the Russian language: style vs discourse
Current processes in the stylistic system of the Russian language are related to qualitative (changing the language functional styles) and quantitative (the emergence of new styles) transformations. The author explores the correlation of styles and different types of discourse as communicative speech formations. Special attention is given to the cognitive and awareness factors ...