The effect of exogenous hormonal compounds on the process of regeneration in flatworms
... № 4. С. 374—380.
14. Сахарова Н. Ю., Гордон Р. Я. Нейросекреторная активность в период регенерации планарий // Онтогенез. 1981. Т. 12. С. 152—154.
Kudikina N.
flatworms, neurosecretory hormones, steroid hormones, regeneration,
The endocrine function organization in flatworms
This article focuses on the endocrine function in flatworms. It is implemented with the help of two groups of hormones. Several centres of neurosecretory cell localisation were discovered in the nervous system of flatworms. The hormonal signal is transmitted with the help of adenylate cyclase system,...