A scenario approach to the strategic development of the fishing industry in the Kaliningrad region
This article examines scientific approaches to scenario planning and analyses the algorithm of business development scenarios. The authors summarise a vast array of information. An analysis of external and internal environment of the fishing industry is carried out and the problems of regional industry development are identified and systematised. Based on a strategic analysis of the regional fishing industry, different development scenarios are formulated and possible strategic decisions ...
Finance lease in attracting investment resources to the fishing industry of the Kaliningrad region
... the process of fulfilling ship delivery orders, en-sure legal protection of lessees, and improve control over prompt payment.
This system can also be used in concluding finance lease agreements in order to attract financial resources to building a fishing fleet
О лизинге : федеральный закон от 29.01.2002 № 10-ФЗ. [Электронный ресурс]. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
2. Авсяников ...
The innovative aspects of the fishing fleet development in the Russian exclave region
... for the economy modernisation on the basis of innovative development. In the post-war period until 1991, the exclave of Russia — the Kaliningrad region — showed high rates of socioeconomic development due to the establishment of a large-scale sea fishing industry. Such success rested on research and innovative activity. This article analyses the successful innovative development of the fishing fleet in the historical perspective: new vessels, the development of new equipment, introduction of innovative ...
An evaluation of the current condition of entrepreneurship within the Kaliningrad fishing industry
Today, the fishing industry of the Kaliningrad region is experiencing depression. The reduction in the fleet as a result of its depreciation resulted in a decrease in catch and production, as well as income and profitability. The funds of enterprises are insufficient ...
Water use rights in the agricultural practices of Prussian conditional landowners in the 13—14th centuries
... the utilisation of land parcels with diverse landscape characteristics, spanning from well-cultivated arable lands to less fertile areas covered with woods and shrubs. To ensure the stable existence of households, the Prussians were granted rights to fish and build watermills on their plots, along with cultivating the land. These rights, explored in this study within the chronological framework of 1242—1370, were universally applicable. A total of 308 persons of different property status, duties ...