The innovative aspects of the fishing fleet development in the Russian exclave region
... kommercheskoj raboty flota i portov rybnoj promyshlennosti SSSR [The organization of the commercial fishing
fleet and the port industry of the USSR], Moscow, Piwevaja promyshlennost'.
2. Sysoev, N. P. 1989, Jekonomika rybnoj promyshlennosti [Economics of Fisheries], Moscow, VO «Agropromizdat».
3. Sysoev, N. P. 1992, Rybnoe hozjajstvo SSSR i Rossii (za 1990—1991 gg. —sostojanie i perspektivy) [Fisheries of the USSR and Russia (1990—1991 — Status and prospects)], Moscow, VNIJeRH.
4. Ivchenko, ...
The current state and problems of fishing industry development in the coastal regions of the Russian Federation
... (Kamchatka, Primorsky Krai and the Sakhalin region) and the Murmansk, Kaliningrad regions and St. Petersburg. The main share of the catch is in the Far Eastern Federal District (more than 70 % of all fish and biological resources).
1. Importance of fisheries to man. URL:
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2. Авченко В. Большая рыбалка // Эксперт Online. 2014. URL: ...