The possibility of translation as the criterion of language development
... used. In connection with this problem some views of Russian and foreign authors are analyzed. It is postulated that the possibility of any given language to function as a target language depends mainly not on the factors of pure linguistic but rather extralinguistic character. The subjective moment (the competence of translators) plays an important role as well.
1. Бархударов Л. С. Язык и перевод (Вопросы общей и частной теории перевода). ...
As to the problem of the metalanguage describing substantial language and cultural units
... Т.
Новый справочник символов и знаков. М., 2003.
Sharafutdinova L. F.
metadescription, semantic primitives, semantic markers, basic oppositions, natural language, semantics, structure of meaning of words, extralinguistic reality, cultural units, symbol.