Subjective modality in the newspaper texts of the 18th century
... article analyses the means of modality conveying the attitude of the author to the content of articles on the basis of “Vedomosti”, “St. Petersburg Vedomosti”, and “Moskovskiye Vedomosti” newspapers. The author determines the set of modal explicators, the content and expression planes of the given modal fragment and qualifies the "modal background" of the publications in the framework of the characteristic features of the first newspapers of the period of the development of Russian ...
The modal microfield of necessity in official and business documents in the Russian and Polish languages
..., 1967. S. 141—145.
10. Словарь русского языка : в 4 т. М., 1981—1984.
11. Słownik języka polskiego / opracowanie E. Sobol. Warszawa, 2005.
Vaulina S., Magdalinskaya Ye.
modality of necessity, modal microfield, modal explicators, official style
Core explicators of the modal meaning expressing certainty/uncertainty in the poem "Dead Souls" by N. Gogol and their equivalents in translation versions
... 2 т. / под ред. Н. Ю. Шведовой. М., 1980.
6. Шведова Н. Ю. Очерки по синтаксису русской разговорной речи. М., 2003.
Kokovina L. V.
modality, subjective modality, semantic field, explicator, adequacy, equivalent.