Citizens’ appeals within the system of documentation management of the executive authorities in 1960s — 1970s
The article studies complexes of documents that were compiled in the Executive Authorities’ Archives and that are connected with citizens’ appeals to different authorities. The author reveals that it was the local executive bodies that chiefly processed citizens’ appeals, most of which were returned to the Executive Committee ...
On distinguishing the measures of constitutional responsibility and other measures of constitutional enforcement imposed upon the executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their officials
This article examines the measures of constitutional responsibility and other measures of constitutional enforcement. The author puts forward several proposals regarding the classification of constitutional enforcement measures imposed on the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their officials.
Витрук Н.
Общая теория юридической ответственности. М., 2009.
Вершинина С.
О теории ...
The demographic problems of the Pskov region and the main approaches to solving them at the level of the regional state authorities
This article analyses the demographic problems of the Pskov region. The authors propose a system of government regulation of demographic processes in view of the functions of the regional executive authorities.
1. Predpolagaemaja chislennost' naselenija Pskovskoj oblasti do 2030 goda 2010. In: Statisticheskij bjulleten. Pskov.
2. Pskovskaja oblast v cifrah: statisticheskiy sbornik. 2010. Pskov.
3. Pskovskij statisticheskij ezhegodnik. 2009: statisticheskij ...