Social inclusion of people with disabilities de jure and de facto: the included, the self-inclusive and the non-self-inclusive
... theories and empirical facts. The evolution of the concepts of social integration and inclusion of people with disabilities is described as a socio-political trend of imposing ‘inclusive society’ and ignoring its stratification and the laws of social exclusion. It is shown that social exclusion as one of the forms of organization of society can result not only from the structure of society, but can also be the individual’s conscious choice. The author systematizes and describes special conditions ...
The legal regime of Special economic zone in the Kaliningrad region: the routes to improvement
... свободной таможенной зоны. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
Nilov K. N.
special economic zone, special legal regime, investment project,
privileges for residents, exclusion of a resident from the register