On endogenous and exogenous factors of Russian modernization
This paper considers the dynamics of different scientific opinions on the correlation between endogenous and exogenous factors in the choice of national modernization model. The authors formulate the question about the urgency of searching for the optimum in the choice between general and unique features for the construction of a more efficient ...
Pathogenesis, symptoms and clinical course of the involutional and endogenous depression
The author uses longitudinal observation to identify risk factors, pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of the senile and endogenous depression in women. It is noted that a comparison of clinical characteristics
1. Плотников С. М. К патогенезу, клинике и терапии инволюционного психоза. Ижевск, 1972.
2. Фотьянов ...
Competitiveness of the region: content, factors, policies
... Diagrammatic Exposition of Obstacles to the Demand for the Rule of Law., March, 2004.
Shastitko Andrey
region, competition, competitiveness, location based competition, exogenous factors of regional competitiveness, endogenous factors of regional competitiveness