Determination of Psychological and Emotional State of Different Health Groups by means of Lüscher Colour Test
We analyse by means of Lüscher colour test the psychological and emotional state of students from different health groups including those with respiratory system disorders.
энциклопедия психологических тестов / сост. А. Карелин. М.: Эксмо, 2007. 416 с. ...
The peculiarities of psychological support to breast cancer survivors in small towns
This article analyses the peculiarities of psychological support to breast cancer survivors residing in small towns. The authors consider the dynamics of emotional state in the course of implementing a dedicated programme of intensive psychological support in rehabilitation.
Марилова Т.
Некоторые психологические проблемы РМЖ: обзор // Невропатология ...
Psychoemotional state of medical students involved in providing medical care under the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic
... medical students in the current situation. In the course of the study, a questionnaire was developed to identify the main factors of respondents ' distress. An anonymous survey was conducted in the form of an online survey of 212 students of the Smolensk state medical University. The data obtained recorded a high level of emotional exhaustion of the majority of respondents, and the leading causes of anxiety for medical students were also identified: the fear of bringing an infection home to their loved ones and the remote format of exams.
1. Аскатова К.Б., ...