Regional trends in electoral support for Latvian parties: the neighbourhood effect
The article analyses the neighbourhood effect in the voting behaviour of the Latvians at the four recent parliamentary elections, the ethnic and national leaning of parties considered. The study expands a set of electoral geography tools by adding modern techniques of spatial analysis as well as by increasing the knowledge on the position of the Russian speakers within Latvia’s political party landscape. The research aims to evaluate the role of the neighbourhood ...
Estonia’s party system today: electoral turbulence and changes in ethno-regional patterns
... latter matter much in Estonia) have changed dramatically. This study aims to analyse the recent changes in the Estonian party system as well as the causes of these changes and the effect of the ethnic and geographical factors on the transformation of the electoral behaviour of Estonian citizens. The research employs a systemic approach that makes it possible to solve the agent—structure problem to the benefit of the general structure and integral system of Estonia’s party scene. The method of comparative ...
Geography of voting in the presidential elections of 2018 in the Kaliningrad region
The article considers the geographical aspect of voting in general presidential elections in the Kaliningrad region in 2018. Two voting features, bipolar and fragmented, have been identified through the electoral analysis. There are a number of geographical factors which have a significant impact on the voting: the power of friends and neighbors and the power of the election campaign itself. Voting results are visualized in the work by means of cartographic ...