Social Attitude to Drug-Addiction in the Belgorod Region
The article presents the results of the survey on the attitude of the Belgorod region residents to drug addiction. The problem of drug addiction is analysed from the points of view of three groups: residents, specialists in drug addiction prevention and experts on this problem. The authors define stereotypes and illusions about drug addiction and its prevention....
Interdepartmental collaboration for the prevention of drug addiction in young people: general conclusions and recommendations
... Special attention is paid to several risk groups: students of comprehensive schools, higher and vocational education institutions and colleges. The authors suggest a set of measures aimed at developing interdepartmental collaboration for the prevention of drug addiction among youth.
1. Брылев В. И., Исупова И. В. Мониторинг наркоситуации как основа совершенствования профилактики наркотизма в молодежной среде ...