Cognitive and linguistic aspects of forming of event-driven concepts
The term event-driven concept is analyzed in the dynamic process of its tructuring in a recipient's consciousness; the functional semantico-syntactical frame of event-driven concepts with various categorial functional relations between the participants of corresponding events is shown and the linguodidactic aspect of the use of even-driven concept derivation theory for concepts of event-driven nature is demonstrated.
Богданов В. В.
Моделирование семантики предложения // Прикладное языкознание...
The innovative process in the Baltic Sea region
In order to maintain its global competitiveness in the future, the Baltic Sea region (BSR) needs to preserve and improve its technological capability and innovativeness. This article focuses on innovations in the Baltic Sea region, particularly on external innovation drivers and innovation environments in the BSR and individual countries within the region. Firstly, some definitions of innovations, innovation drivers, and characteristics of a favourable innovation environment are presented. Secondly...
Rock poetry between music and words: the drive and poetics of lyrics
... мирового авангарда. М., 2006. С. 238—259.
28. FanZemfira: сообщество поклонников Земфиры : [сайт]. URL: http:// (дата обращения: 03.09.2017).
Sviridov S. V.
rock lyrics, drive, aesthetics, poetics, hyperbole, grotesque, antiaestheticism, linguistic gesture