Metatheatre under the sign of Chekhov (based on plays by V. Levanov, O. Bogayev, A. Mardan)
Since Lionel Abel (1963), metatheatrical plays are understood as a piece of drama, whose object is the play itself. The author considers the reasons behind the frequent references to the personality and works of A. P. Chekhov found in modern metatheatrical drama and analyses the changes to the standard “author-actor-audience” ...
The communicative space of N. Kononov’s novel The Tender Theatre
This article examines the communicative space and its structure in N. Kononov’s novel Tender Theatre, which helps understand the ontological drama of the character who is alienated from the world and people and unable to see the border between the reality and memories.
1. Кононов Н. Нежный театр. М., 2004.
2. Кучина Т. Г. Поэтика «я»-повествования ...
The role of Jean Chapelain in the development of French literary theory and criticism in the first half of the XVIIth century
... Chapelain, the article traces the nature of the unfolding of his critical-theoretical discourse, reflecting the principle of aesthetic-philosophical thinking of French classicism as a whole.
Simonova L.A.
literature, critic, classicism, antiquity, drama, genre, narration, style, taste, plausibility, newness
On the illocutionary “responsibility” of the author in a dramatic paratext
... different paratextual structures can be purely directive (prescriptive) as well as narrative, which emphasizes the transgenre character of paratext. The article addresses the specific features of implementation of the extradiegetic author category in drama on a paratextual level, as well as its role in the creation of dramatic diegesis.
1. Гротовски Е. От Бедного Театра к искусству-Проводнику. М., 2003.
2. Женетт Ж. Фигуры : в 2 т. М....